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0181-5081144, 98155-00909, 98153-00027


Itco Tapping Machine

We are a leading tapping machine manufacturer. In Tapping Machine, tapping or threading operation is done along with drilling. This machine is most suitable in areas where operator needs to perform drilling and tapping operations without opening the job such as using a quick change chuck. The tapping attachment is fitted on the motor plate that is fixed on the machine body. The tap when completes the desired depth is reversed automatically by the limit switch. The tapping attachment has a toggle switch with options of limit control and foot control. When the tapping is done for a blind hole then we move the toggle switch upwards to ‘limit control’ and set the depth with two small stoppers fitted on the main rod. For the tapping in a though hole then you move the toggle switch to ‘foot control’ option and complete the tapping using the foot switch. Here the stoppers and limit switch is not used. The tapping operation starts by engaging the tap to the hole and the tapping tool itself takes its own movement to complete the depth of thread. So no effort is needed during the tapping cycle.

In case of blind holes tolerance is required between bottom surface and tap depth. The tap tool is held in tap sleeve which fits in the spindle morse taper. It is very accurate and productive machine which successfully passes the thread gauge test.

ITCO Precision Tapping Machine


Automation Grade Manual
Max Hole Diameter <50 mm
Layout Vertical
Functions Tapping

Being one of the trusted firms in the industry, we are highly engaged in providing a unique range of ITCO Precision Tapping Machine.